corpus in magazine “Liepajas vestules“ (Liepaja letters No3 2019)
corpus /ˈkɔːpəs/
In English it denotes the main body, mass of body or structure. In Latin corpus means body, content, material. What is a body - a superficial structure or a part of the content? Is the physical body just a corpse, that we will get rid of eventually?
A journey in pondering about body. A try to grasp what does corpus actually means. What does the body mean to you, what role does it has in modern times? Are you yourself without your body?
Trough mediums of photography, photogrametry and 3D object manipulations trying to understand feelings about the body. Corpus, structures and intertwining of meaning and function. With images, videos and VR installation broadening the perception of the body and its role.