Using: Unity

Mental Purity

Mental purity" is a project created by two media artists - Ieva Vīksne (LV) and Līga Vēliņa (LV). Each artist has created her own mental data representation in a 3D environment. By exploring different methods of mental hygiene and wellbeing technologies,  artists have created visual representations that lets explore the progress of these practices and daily data measurements.  Depending on chosen practices and measurements, artists collected  their own data sets and created data visualizations as 3D  sculptures.

Ieva Vīksne
chose to collect the hours of sleep, therapy, exercise, medicating and socializing. Also she collected hours spent using and abusing mobile apps. The flying by objects symbolize the wasted hours.
Līga Vēliņa ( collected data about her usage of applications, sleeping hours, interaction with other people and amount of piano lessons -  which were specially chosen as an activity to  control  body and mind and  to learn to meditate.  

Artists invite the audience to wander into a sculptural garden of data in VR environment.