VR experience “Bunker“ for Žanis Lipke memorial
Together with L. Vēliņa, K. Lēvalds, L. Taube and Žanis Lipke memorial a VR experience was created to show the life in the Bunker in the early 1940s, in Riga, Ķīpsala where Žanis Lipke was hiding Jewish people.
The VR experience will be available in the memorial.

Art Sapce
Educational game “Art space“
The aim of this project is to raise the interest of a wide-ranging public for contemporary art and to point out the newest creative tendencies in the collective thinking of art. The task is to create an innovative digital environment in the cross-cutting genres of arthouse, educational and serious game.
Project by Ieva Gintere. Research and development by Ieva Gintere, Kristaps Biters & Ieva Vīksne. (2021)

Exhibition “Starpliktuve“ (in the Clipboard)
Producer & one of the curators (together with Anna Priedola) of new media art exhibition in “Great Amber“ concert hall in LIEPĀJA ART FORUM 2019 (http://lielaisdzintars.lv/en/calendar/liepaja-art-forum-2019)
2017 - 2018
Project “OPEN LAB”
Participants, with the support of mentor - experienced artists, for three days, work with globally pressing subject, topics interaction with art and culture. The participants will engage in group or individual art studies to reflect their vision or solution. Before the practical activities, an open discussion takes place, with the participation of mentors, students, young artists and the audience. The results of the workshop is displayed in a week-long pop-up exhibition. Live stream of the discussion & documentation of the workshop will available online at the Open Lab Facebook page.
The event has been created with the support of the University of Liepaja, MPLab and VKKF.
The event is produced by the Electronic Arts and Media Center E-LAB.